Cross Country


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       1     Ames                                       54
       2     Marshalltown                               63
       3     Johnston                                   82
       4     Ankeny                                     83
       5     Urbandale                                  92
       6     Des Moines Hoover                         137
       7     Des Moines Lincoln                        219
       8     Newton                                    222
       9     Des Moines East                           261
     999     Des Moines North                    4 runners

       1     Jessica Huff, Marshalltown-SR                     11:44
       2     Rita Fiala, Johnston-SR                           11:55
       3     Michelle Sokol, Urbandale-SO                      12:00
       4     Bryony Jones, Ankeny-SR                           12:25
       5     Lindsay Helilgenthal, Ames-SR                     12:32
       6     Amanda Tuttle, Marshalltown-JR                    12:37
       7     Stephanie Mann, Des Moines Hoover-SR              12:45
       8     Kylan Loney, Ames-SO                              12:48
       9     Britt Jones, Ankeny-FR                            12:51
      10     Randi Goodrich, Johnston-SR                       12:57
      11     Erica Lynn, Ames-SO                               12:57
      12     Meredith Schroder, Urbandale-SR                   13:99
      13     Jannae Holubar, Marshalltown-SO                   13:00
      14     Emily Duffelmeyer, Ames-SR                        13:02
      15     Molly Gross, Des Moines Hoover-SR                 13:03
      16     Claire Gilchrist, Ames-SR                         13:04
      17     Cindy Loffler, Johnston-SR                        13:08
      18     Julie Reger, Ames-SO                              13:09
      19     Kristin Way, Johnston-SO                          13:11
      20     Kelsey Singletary, Ankeny-JR                      13:12
      21     Teresa Wauters, Marshalltown-SR                   13:15
      22     Natalie McMahon, Marshalltown-SR                  13:16
      23     Christine Mueller, Urbandale-SO                   13:18
      24     Jacque Heberer, Ankeny-SO                         13:23
      25     Katie Quall, Urbandale-JR                         13:26
      26     Mandy Willey, Ankeny-JR                           13:34
      27     Erin Maysent, Ames-SR                             13:06
      28     Kristen Buck, Ankeny-JR                           13:37
      29     Annie Lopez, Urbandale-JR                         13:38
      30     Katie Croker, Marshalltown-JR                     13:41
      31     Amanda Manatt, Marshalltown-JR                    13:45
      32     Windy Clark, Ankeny-SR                            13:50
      33     Jackie Jones, Urbandale-FR                        13:54
      34     Felisa Hansen, Johnston-FR                        13:57
      35     Kim Jones, Des Moines Hoover-SO                   14:00
      36     MacKenzie Peter, Marshalltown-JR                  14:03
      37     Carrie Graspy, Des Moines Lincoln-JR              14:05
      38     Mayra Mauris, Des Moines Hoover-FR                14:06
      39     Erica Scheckel, Urbandale-JR                      14:06
      40     Shelby Minard, Des Moines Lincoln-FR              14:14
      41     Sarah Martineau, Des Moines East-JR               14:16
      42     Christy Meade, Des Moines Hoover-SR               14:17
      43     Stacy Paget, Newton-SR                            14:17
      44     Leah Pollastrini, Newton-SR                       14:22
      45     Megan Charler, Des Moines Lincoln-JR              14:26
      46     Alicia Jensen, Des Moines Lincoln-SO              14:27
      47     Victoria Brenton, Johnston-SO                     14:37
      48     Erin Whittie, Des Moines Hoover-SO                14:41
      49     Tracy Lowe, Des Moines East-SR                    14:48
      50     Betsy Gran, Newton-SO                             14:48
      51     Gina Gomez, Des Moines Lincoln-JR                 14:48
      52     Courtney Thompson, Des Moines Hoover-SRRR         14:49
      53     Shak Newsome, Des Moines East-JR                  14:50
      54     Briya Bell, Newton-FR                             15:00
      55     Raffaela Punelli, Des Moines East-SR              15:02
      56     Monica Spleker, Des Moines Lincoln-SO             15:06
      57     Becky Bartello, Newton-JR                         15:11
      58     Megan Webster, Johnston-SO                        14:37
      59     Katie Rand, Des Moines Lincoln-JR                 15:43
      60     Sarah Ellis, Des Moines North-SR                  15:46
      61     Brenna Griffin, Newton-SO                         15:53
      62     Katie Cyr, Des Moines North-SR                    16:00
      63     Amy Griffiths, Des Moines East-JR                 16:23
      64     Danisha Cornell, Des Moines North-SO              17:06
      65     Jenny Golden, Des Moines East-SO                  17:38
      66     C. Perez, Des Moines North-SR                     17:43
      67     Angela Davies, Des Moines East-SO                 17:49

       1     Marshalltown                               31
       2     Ankeny                                     68
       3     Ames                                       69
       4     Urbandale                                  85
       5     Johnston                                  130
       6     Des Moines Lincoln                        184
       7     Des Moines Hoover                         191
       8     Des Moines East                           233
       9     Newton                                    241
      10     Des Moines North                          321

       1       1   Grant Shadden, Marshalltown-JR                    16:22
       2       2   Justin Schlicher, Ankeny-JR                       16:27
       3       3   Ruach Joklow, Urbandale-JR                        16:33
       4       4   Danny Burns, Marshalltown-JR                      16:41
       5       5   Tim Hibbing, Ames-JR                              16:43
       6       6   Nick Roberts, Ames-JR                             16:44
       7       7   Josh Crain, Marshalltown-SR                       16:50
       8       8   Marcus Murphy, Ankeny-JR                          16:55
       9       9   Brian Billman, Marshalltown-SR                    17:03
      10      10   Craig Cartier, Marshalltown-JR                    17:12
      11      11   Jarret Heil, Marshalltown-SR                      17:14
      12      12   Luke Guthrie, Ames-SR                             17:15
      13      13   Justin Strohman, Marshalltown-JR                  17:21
      14      14   Colin Pogge, Urbandale-SO                         17:25
      15      15   Nate Esser, Ankeny-SR                             17:30
      16      16   Jonathan Hardy, Johnston-JR                       17:36
      17      17   T.J. Tollakson, Ankeny-SR                         17:37
      18      18   John Nentl, Des Moines Hoover-SO                  17:38
      19      19   John Luna, Des Moines Lincoln-JR                  17:44
      20      20   Josh Voss, Urbandale-SR                           17:48
      21      21   Kody Harris, Des Moines Hoover-SO                 17:50
      22      22   Pete Kruger, Ames-SR                              17:51
      23      23   Kyle Halfpop, Urbandale-SO                        17:52
      24      24   Jess  Clyde, Ames-SR                              17:58
      25      25   Paul Dyer, Urbandale-SO                           18:01
      26      26   Jeremy Zuber, Ankeny-SR                           18:05
      27      27   Billy Holscher, Ankeny-JR                         18:06
      28      28   Kai Carlson, Johnston-JR                          18:07
      29      29   Eric Weber, Ames-SR                               18:09
      30      30   Ryan Johnson, Johnston-SO                         18:12
      31      31   Josh Peppers, Ankeny-SR                           18:16
      32      32   Dennis Dane, Johnston-SR                          17:26
      33      33   Matt Skeens, Johnston-JR                          18:31
      34      34   Steve Goldman, Ames-JR                            18:36
      35      35   Allen Shepherd, Des Moines Lincoln-JR             17:49
      36      36   Aaron Creger, Johnston-FR                         18:41
      37      37   Zach Walters, Newton-SR                           18:43
      38      38   Dillon Wonders, Des Moines East-SR                18:45
      39      39   Scott Quam, Urbandale-SR                          18:56
      40      40   John Fiala, Johnston-JR                           18:59
      41      41   Jason Fath, Des Moines Lincoln-SR                 19:01
      42      42   Mike Lauterbach, Newton-SR                        19:03
      43      43   Justin Rankin, Des Moines East-FR                 18:97
      44      44   John Kier, Des Moines Lincoln-JR                  19:13
      45      45   David Djordjevic, Des Moines Lincoln-SO           19:16
      46      46   Muris Rahmanobic, Des Moines Hoover-JR            19:22
      47      47   Nick Flahn, Des Moines Lincoln-SO                 19:27
      48      48   A.J. Shipman, Des Moines East-SO                  19:33
      49      49   Clay Swihert, Newton-SR                           19:34
      50      50   Aaron Berdofe, Urbandale-SO                       19:37
      51      51   Derek McChurch, Des Moines East-SR                18:41
      52      52   Jack Spicer, Des Moines Hoover-SR                 19:54
      53      53   Nate Hibben, Des Moines East-JR                   18:56
      54      54   Mike Salar, Des Moines Hoover-SO                  19:59
      55      55   Marcos Ramirez, Des Moines East-SR                20:07
      56      56   John Stout, Newton-SR                             20:15
      57      57   Adam Berkey, Newton-SR                            20:27
      58      58   Gatluak Teny, Des Moines North-SR                 20:32
      59      59   Matt Gibson, Newton-SO                            20:34
      60      60   John Cross, Des Moines Lincoln-FR                 20:38
      61      61   Nate McCarthy, Des Moines Hoover-SR               21:16
      62      62   Nick Walters, Newton-FR                           21:18
      63      63   Tim Hendrick, Des Moines Hoover-FR                21:31
      64      64   Dale Colorado, Des Moines North-JR                21:43
      65      65   Brad Randles, Des Moines North-JR                 21:47
      66      66   Chris Cooper, Des Moines North-JR                 22:58
      67      67   Dan Govoni, Des Moines East-JR                    23:22
      68      68   Ivan Sarasoza, Des Moines North-SR                25:07