Drake Stadium - Site License 
         Girls & Boys State Track Meet 2005 - 5/19/2005 to 5/21/2005         
                                Drake Stadium                                
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash 1A
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#     
  1 Collins, Hannah           11 Springville              12.84q -2.1  1     
  2 Gesell, Becky             10 Riceville                12.94q -2.0  3     
  2 Jorgensen, Jennifer        9 SE Webster               12.94q -2.1  1     
  4 Rude, Tierney             12 Pomeroy-Palmer           12.99q -2.1  1     
  5 Cook, Nicole              12 NUH Cedar Falls          13.00q  NWI  2     
  6 Balvanz, Casey            12 Hubbard-Radcliffe        13.08q -2.0  3     
  7 French, Amy               11 Bedford                  13.11q -2.1  1     
  8 Moore, Michelle           12 East Buchanan            13.21q -2.1  1     
  9 Latta, Angie              11 Madrid                   13.21  -2.0  3     
 10 Bright, Kayla             12 Sioux Central            13.24   NWI  2     
 11 Assmann, Gina             11 St AlbertCB              13.30   NWI  2     
 12 Hogrefe, Tricia           10 Sioux Central            13.32  -2.0  3     
 12 Hornback, Nina               Pekin                    13.32  -2.0  3     
 14 White, Heather            10 W'bury Central           13.34   NWI  2     
 15 Eipperle, Monica          10 GMG Garwin               13.38  -2.0  3     
 16 Schmidt, Jacqulyn         12 Laurens-Marathon         13.42  -2.1  1     
 17 Christensen, Lacy         11 Armstrong-Ringsted       13.50   NWI  2     
 18 Carlson, Tab              10 North Kossuth            13.54  -2.1  1     
 19 Hartman, Michelle         10 Prince of Peace          13.56  -2.0  3     
 20 Hoefling, Allison         12 Marc-Mer-Cleg            13.63  -2.0  3     
 21 Kinker, Bethany           12 Lenox                    13.74   NWI  2     
 22 Dugan, Brandy             10 Edgewood-Colesburg       13.75   NWI  2     
 23 Liljedahl, A.                Essex                    13.77   NWI  2     
 24 Davenport, Morgan          9 Corning                  14.10  -2.1  1     
                      Women - 1A - Team Rankings - 4 Events Scored           
    1) North Tama Traer            12        1) Valley Community Elgin     12
    3) West Harrison Mondamin      10        3) North Linn Troy Mills      10
    3) Exira                       10        3) Keota                      10
    7) Clarinda Academy             8        7) Southeast Webster Burnsid   8
    7) Hinton                       8       10) Janesville                  7
   11) River Valley Correctionvil   6       11) Galva-Holstein              6
   13) GMG Garwin                   5       13) Central City                5
   13) Alta                         5       16) Central Elkader             4
   16) Tri-County Thornburg         4       16) Danville                    4
   19) South Hamilton Jewell        3       19) Harmony Farmington          3
   19) Griswold                     3       19) B-C-L-U-W Conrad            3
   19) Boyer Valley Dunlap          3       24) Iowa Mennonite Kalona       2
   24) North Kossuth Swea City      2       26) Nora Springs-Rock Falls     1
   26) Rockwell-Swaledale           1       26) Gehlen Catholic LeMars      1